Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Video Workshop Series!

Yes, I have done it! I have finally put my workshops online. Now anyone can attend Happy Lady workshops from anywhere in the world - and at their leisure. This is exciting news and to celebrate the debut of the first completed online series, I am offering this fantastic deal below for a limited time. Feel free to share!

Enter promo code: 
at checkout to receive $10 towards your purchase!

"So grateful for this video, it came in the best moment. I know I was destined to see this today."
- Clara A. 

"Your workshop inspired me to want to learn more. I never realized how much there is to know that I don't already know. I learned things I had never even considered before. Please tell me when the next workshop is available!" - Anonymous

"I love how open you are about God and recognizing His guidance in your life." - J.J. P.

Monday, September 5, 2016

The "Specifics" of Prayer

Prayer has been a hot topic lately in my family. We have had some amazing things happens, and very  quickly. Along with my personal experiences, here are some essential things you need to know about receiving immediate answers to your prayers!